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Our true nature 

The Bible teaches us, that humankind is fundamentally evil. We all have a basic nature, which is sinful. Humans are not perfect. We are not even good.


Therefore, we need saving from ourselves and each other. We need a saviour. Christians believe that God provided the saviour, his Son, who goes by the name Yeshua (hebrew), or Jesus (english and greek).   We also refer to him as the Messiah (hebrew), or the Christ (greek).  You can learn about Jesus Christ here.


The first part of the holy Bible is called the old Testament. It contains many stories of God's people through the centuries.


In Psalm 106, we see a picture of the effect of the sinful nature on God's people.

It caused them to:

1.  Be envious of God's leaders.

2.  Be idolators, replacing the true God with other things.

3.  Forget God, and the things he has done.

4.  Despise God's provision for them

5.  Grumble

6.  Disobey

7.  Copy the behaviours of other peoples who do not know God.


Fortunately we have a loving creator God, who understands our nature and understands our situation.  He loves us so much that he provided the salvation that we need.


Watch here to better understand God's plan.



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